Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm Back!

Well, my little hiatus is over. I've returned. After a particularly hectic Monday morning rush last week, I found myself swept away by all manner of work and home related events. Just in case you're curious, I spent my time making visits to schools, working alongside teachers. Most of the schools I visited are receiving grant funding that I helped to secure. When I'm on site at these places, I often find myself doing a great amount of instructional technology triage--rapidly evaluating the most dire emergencies and doling out my expertise where it'll do the most good. After completing my grant-related visits I turned my attention to submitting proposals to a number of upcoming conferences. On the heels of that, I prepared web-based resources and resource DVDs that I used when I actually attended a conference where I presented a session (three times)! Thankfully, a restful weekend with my family recharged my mental batteries. I've had a little time to catch my breath. Six days away from blog was like torment but I have to admit, any of my posts (had I made them) would have been less than stellar. I hope to keep the posts coming on a daily basis from here on out. Bear with me, folks.

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