Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finding the Right Type of Resource

A few people have been asking me about resources that can help students hone typing skills. Here are a few suggestions that fit the bill:

Give younger pupils a chance to acquire and reinforce touch typing skills. Allow them to explore and use the BBC’s thoroughly engaging Dance Mat Typing website. It’s an addictive means of teaching the basics of touch typing. Pupils ranging in age from 7 to 11 years will benefit from using the site to hone typing ability and agility. The site also makes worksheets available for offline typing activities. Don’t be surprised if the site ensnares older students and adults who drop by to see what all the fuss is about.

Keybr.com also makes learning to type fun. In fact, it makes game of keyboarding! Users can choose from three lessons that progressively build skills. This free, online service instantly delivers graphs of users' mistakes and words-per-minute (wpm) scores.


Related links:
  • Imagine computer workstations where users do typing or desktop publishing without the use of a mouse or keyboard. It's an idea that’s been picking up steam in recent years. Check out the Dasher Project for details.

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